Privacy Policy for Android Apps

What information do we collect?
During registration the mobile application might ask for credentials to verify the identity of the user who is attempting to register.
This information will be transfered to the organization that you will be using the application with.

What permissions do we use?
We require access to the Camera in order to register a new device using a QR code (in the case of the OTP application) or to scan a QR code for authentication (in the case of the Fast Auth application). Push notification permissions are also required in order to receive push authentication messages.

What do we use Push Notifications for?
We use Push Notifications to request out-of-band authentication confirmation from the user.

How is the application data protected?
The application sensitive data is stored encrypted using Android KeyStore and is only accesible by the application.

Do we disclose any information to outside parties? 
We do not sell, trade, or otherwise transfer to outside parties any information.

Your consent 
By using Safewalk applications, you consent to our privacy policy.
If we decide to change our privacy policy, we will post those changes on this page.

This policy was last modified on 25/10/2018

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